Libro: Uncover
Clave: RPI9378 Título: Uncover Subtítulo: See for yourself Autor: Rebecca Manley Pippert Editorial: UCCF Clasificación: Estudio NT, English, Inglés, Evangelismo, Otros idiomas ISBN: 9780755493784 Código de barras: 9780755493784 Reseña: How can we discover and live with a deeper sense of life’s meaning? When I was an agnostic I investigated various religions, until one day it occurred to me that I had never read de Bible. I realized that for the sake of intellectual integrity I couldn’t reject something that I had never examined. I had to investigate the evidence and scrutinize the claims Jesus made about himself. I vividly remember the first time I read one of the Gospel accounts that tell the story of Jesus. My impression of Jesus was that he was probably sincere, and no doubt always blissfully happy. Then I started reading the Bible. I was not prepared for how much of what I discovered would challenge my pre-conceived ideas. ...